Nerf World Order Ammunition |
This is a homemade
Nerf dart. It is made out of 1/2 inch foam backer rod, hot glue and BBs(or fishing weights). It is not a Stephan or Stefen,
it is a STEFAN. The name came from a Canadian dude named Stefan (duh). These darts are very good, easily eclipsing
the distance of darts made by Nerf. With the ability to be shoved down a barrel(as they do not have a suction tip
like standard darts), Stefans are the most effective. Some guns require a slightly different type of Stefan such
as the Zero Dart and Uber dart. Here is how you make them.
This is a micro dart, also called airjet micro and
rip rocket. These are the basic Nerf ammunition found in most Nerf guns. They get decent range and are very accurate.
They have come in tons of different colors. To name them all would take a while, but what the heck, I will. Yellow and
purple suction, yellow and purple whistler, red and black suction, red and black whistler, yellow and pink suction, yellow
and orange suction, green and pink suction, and black and glow-in-the-dark-suction.