Introduction to gun: This gun was one of many guns Nerf re-released during the 2001. The original
750 was one of the best pump pistols ever made. I expected the same from this one.
Appearence: Just like the previous version this thing looks like a big bubble. 5/10
Ammo holster/capacity: Nerf got smart and added 3 ammo holsters right below the barrel. Perfect.
Gimmick/Design:This gun has the exact same internals as the original 750. So you know its great.
Accuracy: Accuracy is slightly decreased from the last version. This may be because of the slightly
heavier shell. 8/10
Performance: Once again GREAT ranges. You do need 1 or 2 more pumps, but thats not that big of a
deal. 8/10
Usefullness: The new 750 is just as usefull as the previous version. Nothing really that you can't
do with this gun. 9/10
Overall: Nerf did a fantastic job of cleaning the original 750 up. The added ammo holster is great,
it makes up for the slightly larger shell. 9/10